Emotional Magnetism - How to Communicate to Ignite Connection in our Relationships
Sandy Gerber
Have you ever felt unheard or misunderstood? Maybe your partner just doesn’t seem to get why some things are important to you. Or perhaps your boss is seemingly oblivious to half the things you’ve pointed out in the past week. You’re not alone.
In this unique and timely book, award-winning communications expert, Sandy Gerber shares how to quickly identify what you emotionally need to be happy (1 of 4 Emotional Magnets) and how to communicate that to the people in your life to be understood and accepted.
There are four communication motivators that magnetize our attention and motivate us to listen or act. These Emotional Magnets drive our choices in our relationships, career, and life with our partners, family, friends, team, customers, and strangers.
Gerber’s highly relatable stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and Emotional Magnets quiz, helps you to:
Identify what blocks your communication NOW.
Discover what you emotionally NEED to be happy.
Learn HOW to create greater engagement with your words.
Understand WHY the people in your life make the choices they do.
As you’ll quickly discover, when you know how to communicate what you need to be happy and respond to the Emotional Magnets of the people around you, you’ll magnetize your relationships. Not only will you be heard and understood, but you’ll understand what people want—and how to deliver it.