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Direct Marketing Association reports:


Email marketing continues to deliver a strong performance for brands and marketers. It is used by over 90% of businesses and provides a cost-efficient and powerful way for both broadcasting news and one-to-one communications.

Email marketers are building a strong business case with a high ROI and less internal constraints.

  • Email has an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent. A big increase over the 24.93 reported in 2013.

  • One in five companies report an ROI of over 70:1 .

  • Internal resources and budget limitations are less often a constraint for campaign success.

  • Over half of all respondents anticipate their company’s spend on email to increase during 2015.

Increased use of targeted campaigns and advanced tactics lead to higher effectiveness.

  • Regular newsletters are classed as the most effective way of delivering email content to achieve campaign objectives, yet with a particular focus on segmenting the target audience based on purchase habits.

  • Triggered and behavioural driven email marketing drive more revenue than in previous years, with a reduction in blanket email marketing.

  • The overall expertise seems to be on the increase as only 12% of respondents rate their company’s competence as basic compared with 22% last year.

  • 78% of marketers rate their company’s competence in email marketing as either intermediate or advanced, up from 70% last year.

9 out of 10 clients perceive email marketing as a channel of importance to great strategic importance for achieving business goals.

  • The survey shows lower levels of ambivalence around the email marketing channel.

  • A high proportion of companies’ email programmes remain managed in-house, with a slight shift from services outsourced to ESPs towards in-house management.

Direct revenue is most often a key email marketing objective and email marketing campaigns are very effective in delivering it.

  • Driving revenue through sales tops the list of prime objectives, with over a quarter (26%) of marketers seeing it as the most important goal.

  • Marketers are aware of the need for engagement with one in five (22%) naming it their prime objective.

  • 60% of marketers use conversion rates to evaluate email campaigns effectiveness.

To book your space, please contact:

Gabrielle Olczak,

or call (973) 969-1899

Click on the Blue "W" to see our rate card above on a single printable page

Sample eBLAST

OPTION ONE:  Enewsletter  

Include your Box Ad banner to 20,000 librarians and book buyers. Runs monthly.

Choose one of the BOX ads (book cover, up to 50 words and URL link).

  • First Box Ad $249

  • Second Box Ad $149 Additional

  • 3 Box Ads $499 

  • 4 Box Ads $599  

  • Top Position Box Ad $599

  • Full Takeover $995 (Top Position plus 4 Box Ads included)

For eNewsletter creative, please supply:

  • Cover image (.jpeg, png or gif file; 25MB or less),

  • URL address for us to link to your webpage, and to highlight your book

  • Up to 50-word description

OPTION TWO: Dedicated (only your message) eBlast

Send a 10,000 - 25,000 booksellers and librarians.

  • 10,000 emails $1250

  • 20,000 emails $1995  

  • 25,000 emails $2500

For eBlast creative, please supply:

  • 600x900 HTML

  • Text version optional

  • URL address for us to link to your webpage, and to highlight your book

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