Millions of people come to New York City each year.
NOTHING SAYS BIG like New York City's Times Square.
Want to be featured there?
A daily spot featuring four to six authors in our 60 second video
to be showcased right by the Broadway TKT booth, stands, & line.
Option One: $1195. for Winners & Distinguished Favorites /
$1795 for non-IPA/NYCBBA winners or favorites
* Your book & photo, along with award seal in the billboard video
(see below) plus
* Posting your video spot on our YouTube Channel plus
* BONUS creative "As Seen In NYC Times Square" for you
Option Two: $1455. for Winners & Distinguished Favorites /
$1995 for non-IPA/NYC BBA awardees
includes option one PLUS:
* Global Press Release
* Digital Banner for social media
Next Available: May 4, 2025
Space due: April 10th or until sold out
May 4, 2025
WE DO IT ALL. Pay online & send us an author photo.
Contact: Ted Olczak at Ted@GabbyBookAwards.com
Video will play 22-24 times for the day.

FREE Creative that we place into our 60 second video

Plus we provide a FREE Social Media/Website Creative
(Besides your actual photo)
We Post on our YouTube Channel for ADDITIONAL exposure!!
35 Award-Winning Authors to be Featured in NYC Times Square
OR FEEL FREE TO USE this as a template below:
Ted Olczak, publisher of the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD and NYC BIG BOOK AWARD magazine, opened the opportunity to those Winners & Distinguished Favorites of the programs to be featured on a billboard in New York City's Times Square.
On [DATE}, from 12:01AM to 11:59pm, Olczak will be showcasing award-winning authors every hour. Each author will highlight the book they want to share with the world. The billboard is located on Broadway, just north of 46th Street, facing west.
Olczak strategically chose this location for its high visibility, particularly for those lining up for TKTS Broadway tickets. December 20th was specifically chosen to ensure maximum exposure for the featured authors as TKTS office remains open four hours longer that day to accommodate the matinee crowd,
The potential reach of this campaign is impressive. According to Times Square The Official Website:
Nearly 380,000 pedestrians enter the Times Square Bowtie each day.
Another 115,000 drivers and passengers pass through by car and bus.
In total, Times Square signage advertising can expect nearly 1.5 million impressions per day.
On busy days, over 460,000 pedestrians visit Times Square.
Even late at night, over 85,000 pedestrians enter the Bowtie between 7pm and 1am.
180,000 employees work in Times Square, making it one of the busiest business districts in Manhattan.
62,000 residents call the greater Times Square area home.
Olczak wrote about this in his magazine's December Publisher's Letter:
"I thought about those supporting literacy and the arts. This year, I decided to celebrate 35 authors as they chose to be featured on a billboard by the TKTS Broadway ticket booth in the heart of New York City's Times Square. I thought when I am purchasing a book, I'm not just giving a gift; I'm also supporting authors, illustrators, publishers, and the entire literary community. In my own small way, I'm also promoting literacy and helping to ensure that books remain accessible to everyone."
In the same letter, he even offers some valuable tips for book giving this season:
Ask the recipient for suggestions.
Support local independent bookstores.
Get the book personalized.
Include a handwritten note.
Give the gift of time by reading the book together.
Support literacy organizations.
"By giving the gift of a book, you're not just giving an object; you're opening up a world of possibilities. Let's spread the joy of reading and share the magic of books with the ones we love this holiday season."
If you are in town, stop by to view these award-winning authors. If time permits, maybe even get a great deal on a Broadway show!
For any publisher or author interested in submitting their book, please visit our spring program at https://www.independentpressaward.com/ or fall program at https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/

Here's a smart way to sell your titles and services to booksellers who get the word of mouth going and to librarians who ALWAYS have to buy books and content in all formats. Email Marketing has a great return dollar for dollar on investment.
OPTION ONE: Enewsletter
Your Ad banner to 3,000 librarians and book buyers.
Choose one of the BOX ads
Bottom position ad $149,
Sponsored Box, $249 (book cover, approx. 40 words and URL link).
Top Position Ad $399
Takeover $995 - all ad spots
AD Creative included OR please supply:
Cover image (.jpeg, png or gif file; 25MB or less),
URL address for us to link to your webpage
40 word Description/Copy
OPTION TWO: Dedicated (only you) eBlast
Send emails to booksellers, book buyers and librarians.
5,000 emails $1250​
10,000 emails $1995
20,000 emails $2995
For eBlast creative, WE CREATE FOR YOU, or
if you have your own, please supply:
600x900 HTML or complete our Template Form
Text version optional
URL address for us to link to your webpage, and to highlight your book
OPTION THREE: eBlast + 1 eLetter ad + 3 social media mentions
Special Rate $2500
a) One eLetter ads include your Box Ad banner to librarians and book buyers. Your book cover, description and URL link.
b) One eBlast to librarians and book buyers
c) Five Tweets to our X (Twitter) Followers
d) One Post on LinkedIn
e) Author interview
f) Podcast listed on https://www.independentpressaward.com/podcasts for six months
g) Podcast includes a dedicated landing page, example: https://www.independentpressaward.com/womenoffireandsnow
"In November my publisher told me about a spike in book sales.
I thought it was because of our ad in the newsletter.
In January when we reran the ad and had another spike, It proved correct"
-Donald Mazzella
COO & Editorial Director
Information Strategies, Inc.
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