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    NYC Big Book Award: GAB TALKS with G.E. Poole

    How could a book challenge nearly everything you have been led or conditioned to believe about life and reality and still confirm what a part of you has always known? You are part of an Experiment of Consciousness and this truth has profound implications for how you can understand your life and live it. Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance presents bold, new and mind-bending perspectives that challenge fundamental assumptions of the natural world and our place in it. This work probes science, mathematics, music, mysticism, and consciousness in the search for truth, revealing unconventional ideas and new ways of understanding.

    “IF you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking?

    Haruku Murukami

    Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance: Untravelled Paths Through Natural, Practical and Alternative Understandings of your Life, Purpose and Meaning

    Evolution transcends material beginnings: higher vibrational frequencies resonate from the infinitely small, on through the level of the Solar System and up through vastness of galaxies. Conscience is your inner guidance system: your inner voice is the active force of a superior consciousness. This very different understanding of polarity leads to new insights about how and why the world operates as it does when approximately half of the population remain essentially spiritually dead. Evidence has been hiding in plain sight: within the core truths of each of the major world faiths, within ancient wisdom, through modern science, mathematics, physics, and cymatics, consistent clues to the puzzle are emerging. Advanced superior consciousness has been in plain sight and awareness and knowledge of this challenges our understandings of origins, extending the natural Gaia Principle through to the next logical stages.

    There are very rare human beings who have attained enlightenment through raising their vibration and transforming their being in ways leading to a much higher resonance. This small group of people have helped humankind along in every generation. During this lifetime you have extraordinary potential to lift your vibration and transform your inner frequencies. This work provides readers with new insights practical steps to help you achieve the aim your aims to understand your purpose and find your own path.

    About the Author
    G.E. Poole is a nothing and a nobody. Outwardly leading an ordinary life as a householder, from an early age he was drawn to physics, logic, science, philosophy and the quest for consciousness. At age 22 he entered The Work through the J. G. Bennett line of transmission through Sherborne House and the Claymont Society. In 1982 he migrated from Hawaii to New Zealand to become a pupil of Sufi Shaikh Abdullah Isa Dougan.

    Subsequent to the passing of Abdullah in 1987, he continued to study and practice his teachings for over 30 years. In 1990, he met Sufi Master Irina Tweedy in London, and in 1992 had substantial direct close ongoing personal contact with Taoist Master Hua Ching Ni. He presently resides in Australia.

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    Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole

    Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance

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    G.E. Poole

    G.E. Poole

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