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    GAB TALKS with M. Timothy Murray, author of the Thumar Saga

    The Orion Syndicate strikes at the heart of Thumar, on Thumar! The results are disastrous, launching the inner galaxy into a bloody, drawn-out war.

    President Remor Andehar is engulfed in a perfect storm of events that threaten to tear Thumar’s once harmonious culture apart at the seams risking a phalanx of political and revered cultural customs. A charismatic senator, guided by a Syndicate agent, is challenging Thumar’s most beloved, centuries-long practice and demanding immediate change that would destroy Thumar to its core.

    While Ambassador Derak Andehar heals from near-fatal wounds, Remor crisscrosses Thumar’s space colonies, continents, islands, and secret places to keep his beloved home unified. He must battle bad news, a rouge senator, and a galactic war to save his home planet’s morale.

    Can the War Alliance, Remor and Derak defeat this powerful enemy which has no conscious, practices genocide and slavery, and seeks to rule with total fear?

    Interested in an Author Interview? Contact or call 973.969.1899 for Sponsorship Opps.

    Prelude to War, Thumar Saga 3 by M. Timothy Murray

    Prelude to War, Thumar Saga 3

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    A D V E R T I S E M E N T


    M. Timothy Murray

    M. Timothy Murray

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

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