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    GAB TALKS with Robin Reams, author of "Unlocking Blackbeard's Skeletons"; "Aboard Blackbeard's Queen"

    Award-winning Author Robin Reams sits down to speak with the GabTalks Podcast Host and President of the Independent Press Award Gabby Olczak to discuss her writings including one of her favorite historical figures Blackbeard whose legend has inspired many depictions of pirates throughout history. Robin Reams' award-winning books include: "Unlocking Blackbeard's Skeletons" was a 2024 Independent Press Award Distinguished Favorite in Action/Adventure "Aboard Blackbeard's Queen" was a 2024 Independent Press Award and 2023 NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite in Action/Adventure "Shadow of the Mountain" was a 2023 NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite in Christian Fiction

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    "Unlocking Blackbeard's Skeletons"  Let's go back three hundred years. Have you ever wondered what it
    would be like to live in another time and place? To walk in the shoes of those who have gone before us and discover secrets of the past? Well, pull up a chair and get ready. You are about to set sail on an adventure. Feel the wind in your hair as you slip back in time to colonial Bath Town, the first town in what would later be known as North Carolina. The year is 1718 and the notorious pirate, Captain Blackbeard, is lurking nearby. No one knows this year will go down in history, but the tides are changing. Everyone has a story to tell, and Blackbeard is no exception. What skeletons will we unlock? Only time will tell . . .

    "Aboard Blackbeard's Queen" Set Sail with Blackbeard...
    Everyone has a story, and Cooper's is quite a tale. The year is 1718 and Cooper has an important job to do. Being a ship's cat isn't unusual, but Cooper never dreamed he would cross paths with the fearsome pirate, Captain Blackbeard. When Cooper find himself on the newly named Queen Anne's Revenge, he must learn how to become a true pirate cat. Along the way, Cooper faces his greatest fears, fights for survival, and works hard to earn a place on Blackbeard's pirate crew. 

    "Shadow of the Mountain"
    For Shadow, life as a forest cat couldn't be better. Living in a valley surrounded by mountains was tough, especially in the winter. But, now it was spring, things were looking up. Then one afternoon, something happened that Shadow wasn't prepared for. Before he knew it, he and his friends had no choice, but to set out on a life changing journey guided by the Creator. When they thought things couldn't get any worse, it did. In addition to searching for a new home, they struggled to stay alive. Trying to juggle flying emotions and serious fights, Shadow must help find a safe, suitable place to live. With enemies around every corner, he has to be prepared to fight until his last breath. Will Shadow have the strength, wisdom, and most importantly hope to win? There's only one way to find out!

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    "Unlocking Blackbeard's Skeletons"; "Aboard Blackbeard's Queen" and "Shadow of the Mountain"

    Robin Reams

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    Robin Reams

    Robin Reams

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